Tag Archives: b-schools in India

Prof. Rajat Pundeer talks about Relationship Marketing

Industrialization at the inception of 21st century was production based, fully producer centric, from there it progressed into product centric, where the products were pitched and not the exact needs of the customers. Slowly, with the passage of time and changing economic conditions, this strategy transformed into sales oriented system, but this method still did not address the customer needs completely, but to some extent satisfied the needs.


With the phasing time and onset on liberalization, the marketing strategy assumed the shape of relationship marketing. As per this strategy, marketing campaign was emphasized, which stressed upon the need of customer retention and satisfaction, rather than keeping dominant focus on sales transaction. This differed form other forms of marketing strategies as this focused on the long term value of customer relationship and extended communication beyond advertising and sales promotion messages.


In the past decade, ever since India liberalized its economy and allowed foreign investments; lots of foreign players moved in and as a result of which quality of services increased. With large number of players the competition also stiffened. Relationship marketing for the first time demonstrated results, which no other marketing strategy could. The reason behind this was, on one side there were large number of players producing similar products and on the other increased education level of the masses made the selling tougher for each. Through this strategy, sectors like insurance, automobile, telecom and real estate continued to prosper even in the times of intense competition. Growth story would not have been the same, had each one of them relied on some other means or methods of marketing.   


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Prof. Suraj Chand educates about Simulation

There are many problems related to daily life which cannot be represented mathematically due to stochastic nature of the problem, the complexity in problem formulation. We use simulation technique to solve such type of problem when all else fail.

Simulation is the typical model for actual situation. Simulation is logical extension to the mathematical techniques used for solving problem in Operation Research. Simulation helps us in deciding the best policy that is which policy we shout adopt. The simulation technique has been applied by the engineers in physical science. These days Simulation technique plays important role for solving problems related to Decision making theory.

There is various application of simulation Technique. The first application of simulation made by J. V. Neumann for knowing the complicated behavior of Neutrons in problems related to Nuclear Physics. After this huge success of simulation technique in neutron problem, it became more popular and this simulation technique used to solving management, industry and technical problems. In early 1950’s this technique was used in digital computer.

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Buzz Marketing 1.0 by Prof. Ishvinder Singh

Word-of-mouth or “buzz” is powerful tool to promote ideas and innovations. By targeting the opinion leaders in the community the companies can market their existing as well as new products or services in the market. This can accelerate adoption of the innovation by the majority of the public who generally follow the lead of opinion leaders whom they trust.

The term buzz marketing is new and can be used as long as humans will speak. It is similar to public relations and it too relies on unpaid form of communication, and the prominent people can spread it all over the world  . Buzz marketing focuses on opinion leaders enlisting them as allies in the spread of buzz. These prominent people are the target for the marketers so that they can covey the message of the companies to the masses. Under the right circumstances, the word of mouth generated by buzz marketing can be more effective than other promotional methods. This is due to the  perceived credibility of buzz marketing.

Companies are spending millions of rupees on advertisement and in sale promotion activities describing about the USP’s of their products. That is true that nobody will criticize their own products . But if a consumer gives some positive feedback to the others in the market it will be much more effective than that of advertisement and sales promotion activities carried out by the company. It will be an asset to the company which company can in-cash for the existing products as well as for the new upcoming products. That is the power of word of mouth marketing or buzz marketing.

According to this situation if the companies are able to satisfy their customer then they will market the products . This marketing strategy will be for the long term and in this way the companies or organizations will be one step ahead of its competitors.Example is of educational institutions,the  students of an educational institute are its clients and if they are  positive for the institute in relation to courses ,faculty ,infrastructure, then this will be the strongest marketing promotional campaign . This will be the goodwill of the institute and the institute will not much have to go for promotional strategies.


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Prof. Abhay Chauhan speaks about “Industrial Engineering: History and Developments”

What industrial engineering is today and aspires to be in future is determined by what has gone before. Industrial engineering had its roots in the Industrial Revolution (1750); it was nourished by individuals who sought to advance organization and management principles at any early date; it emerged as a separate discipline and was formulized in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; and achieved maturity after World War II.

The Industrial Revolution resulted from the advent of new inventions, especially in the textile industry, then steam engine, advances in metal cutting and production of machine tools. These led to factories with large number of workers. With growth in the size of industries, came the beginning of management and management thinking.

The application of scientific method of analysis, experimentation and practical demonstration had been extended to the production of machine tools, more complicated processes, and better products. Now it was being extended to man’s thinking on organization and management principle and method.
Scientific Management as a professional approach was yet to come, waiting on the works of pioneers in the field. Historians of science and technology might argue as to the beginning of Industrial Engineering. The generally accepted beginning relate to the work done by F.W.Taylor, who was concerned primarily with concepts productivity, even though he did not refer to those terms.
Prior to Taylor’s work, however, there were others, whose writings referred to concepts that ultimately became associated with industrial engineering, whose impact on Taylor is difficult to assess. One of the earliest is of these is Adam Smith’s treatise the wealth of nation, published in 1776.
The concepts Adam Smith expressed concerning the proper division of labor, while not original, nevertheless became an important factor in the unfolding of the impending industrial revolution. The writings of Adam Smith and those of both his students and contemporaries was important milestone in the development of the factory system and of the Industrial revolution which it created. Adam Smith was an economist not an engineer, and as a result, his writings came from this perspective.
As a result of the developments in the field of industrial engineering, in 1908, the first separate departments of industrial engineering were established at Pennsylvania state University and at Syracause University.

The first PhD. granted to Ralph M.Barnes by Cornell University, in the U.S.A. in the field of industrial Engineering was the result of research done in the area of motion study.
Most of the leaders of the early work in industrial engineering focused their activities on the motion study and related areas of the individual work place to make it more productive.

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Dr. Vasudha Sharma talks about the Role of Effective Communication in Leadership

Being a worthy leader is about building trust with your team/followers/co members. When you are the manager or leader of a team, knowing effective communication skills can make the difference between reaching your team goals with ease or barely getting there – if at all! – and struggling all the way through. It is simply impossible to become a great leader without being a great communicator. The key to becoming a skillful communicator is rarely found in what has been taught in the world of academia. From our earliest days in the classroom we are trained to focus on expression, vocabulary, presence, delivery, grammar, syntax and the like. In other words, we are taught to focus on ourselves. While it does not mean to belittle these things as they’re important to learn, it’s the more subtle elements of communication rarely taught in the classroom (the elements that focus on others), which leaders desperately need to learn.

A person who is either a supervisor or in a position of leadership, he/she should try to inculcate effective communication tips and make sure that his/her team makes it all the way to the top. Following are some ways that can help a person to become an effective leader by utilizing his/her communication skills:

  • If you place specific activities, timelines, tasks etc. then you give the team a common ground that everyone can build upon. If everyone speaks “the same language”, so to speak they can move more confidently towards the same expected goal. This is called employee buy-in as  it helps to be visual in such manner.
  • Expectations must be crystal clear. It is easier for employees to get the job done, if they know exactly what job they are expected to do. Making your employees guess about what they are supposed to do is ineffective and just wastes company time and efforts. Give them a big-picture idea of how their efforts will fit into the company’s overall strategy. That way, employees can become more involved and can even come up with some great ideas on their own.
  • Keep communications positive. Give acknowledgment where it is due. If someone does a good job make sure it doesn’t go unobserved. A lot of times, positive reinforcements, acknowledgements, and appreciation can go a long way in boosting employee morale. Finding a way to reward achievements, even if it means just inviting the whole team out for a drink, can help turn a simple group into a Team.
  • Don’t forget to be an attentive listener. A good manager is always a good listener. In spite of what it can seem like, this is not the easiest skill to master but it is one of the most important. Really listen to what your employees are saying and see how you can help meet their concerns at least on some level.
  • Smile, be approachable, and be empathetic. An unpretentious smile lets people know you have positive intentions and a friendly work environment just makes it easier to get up in the morning to go to work.
  • Be proactive in your communications. Don’t just sit back and wait for your team to come to you. Go out there and ask them how they’re doing with their goals, if they are finding anything difficult, if they have any ideas that might help the team move closer towards set goals.
  • Involving openness in the workplace really promotes the level of engagement and teamwork and makes it much easier to solve problems as a group. Make sure you offer spaces for open discussion each week where employees can voice their concerns. Take the Open Door Policy to a whole new level.
  • Call Team mates by their respective name, as a person hears their name it’s like music to their ears. When you meet someone and they say their name, look them in the eye and repeat their name. You will find it easier to remember their name this way and you made a good first impression.
  • Remember you are dealing with people, not machines. Be cordial, keep things light by mixing in some tasteful humor and remember to be considerate and patient with those around you.

Above stated are some very simple things that can change the working environment and help in boosting up the energy levels of team members. Effective leadership needs effective communication as a vital part. The success of an individual in a team depends greatly on the extent to which he can engage in effective communication. Faulty communication in organizations can lead to lowered efficiency and effectiveness at the organizational as well as individual level.

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Prof. Priyanka Surana inquires “AFRAID OF AN INTERVIEW ???”

An investigation may take a few months but all it takes for an interview is a Day!!!

To some it might be like a minefield.


Don’t be afraid!!!

With a few simple and easy key points you can easily and confidently crack an interview. An interview question does not just aim at an answer, but it actually targets at bringing out your thought process, your analytical approach, your behavioral traits and much more. All that matters is not just answering right but your approach to the question as well. Sometimes questions are formulated basically to read your reaction and response time. Following tips will help you answer better and effective in an interview:

  1. Be attentive, listen patiently and let the interviewer finish his question without any sort of interruption from your side. Get your doubts clear if any once he is done.
  2. Be precise and accurate with regard to dates and other such references. Try to keep the conversation friendly using proper and relevant words and phrases.
  3. Your personality and thoughts are reflected in your answers. So be open and clear.
  4. Be focused while answering and adhere to subject-matter and do not deviate trying to be impressive or to showcase your knowledge.
  5. Be calm and patient and answer when asked to. Neither should you get too excited on knowing the answer cutting the interviewer short nor should you drop in utter silence if the contrary happens.
  6. Keep an optimistic approach while answering. This will help you get a good impression. Positive thinking not only helps you foresee the situation and formulate solutions and spot the opportunities and strengths in tough times but also helps you build a good impression on the interviewer.
  7. Be analytical and logical and back your answers with examples and facts, as that would establish your authenticity.
  8. Last but not the least; do supplement your answers with appropriate body language and posture. Keep smiling but do not laugh unnecessarily or move your hands awkwardly.

Do your homework well and just be what you are!!!

Don’t be FAKE!!!

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Prof. Sapna Dua talks about Status of Indian Women in the Entrepreneurial World

Entrepreneur is an advanced and dynamic development, whereby, a new enterprise is created. It is an important segment of economic growth. Entrepreneur is a catalytic agent of change, which generates employment prospects for others. Entrepreneurship amongst women is a recent phenomenon. The beginning of entrepreneurs in a society depends on the economic, social, religious, cultural and psychological factor prevailing in the society. When an enterprise is established and controlled by a woman, it not only boosts economic growth, but also brings many desirable outcomes in the society.It is estimated that presently women entrepreneurs comprise about 10% of the total entrepreneurs in India. If prevailing trends continue, it is not unlikely that in another five years, women will comprise about 20% of the entrepreneurial force in India and for this reasons the government bodies, NGOs, social scientists, researchers and international agencies have started showing interest in the issues related to entrepreneurship among women in India.Growth of women entrepreneurs can be a vehicle of their socio-economic empowerment. Socio-economic empowerment is a situation when  make women socially and economically independent and have control over her life and resources. Women entrepreneurs can play powerful role in confidence building and creating awareness in other women to promote self-reliance. On the other hand, women entrepreneurs have to face more problems than men entrepreneurs. In most of the cases, women do not have access to dynamic resources. Their risk taking ability is less. Women entrepreneurs face two types of problems, one, general problems faced by all entrepreneurs and, second, problems specific to women. They have to devote time to the family and maintain a balance between their family responsibility and business.Although, many of the earlier obstacles to women’s business success have been removed, yet some still remain. This has initiated the scholars of entrepreneurship and small businesses to study the influences of and the impact on business ownership by women.

Since the 21st century, the status of women in India has been changing as a result to growing industrialization and urbanization. Over the years more and more women are going in for higher education, technical and professional education and their proportion in the workforce has also been increased.With the spread of education and awareness, women have shifted from the kitchen, handicrafts and traditional cottage industries to non-traditional higher levels of activities. Even the government has laid special emphasis on the need for conducting women to enable them to start their own ventures. Financial institutions and banks have also set up special cells to assist women entrepreneur but still many remained in  a much neglected field.

The way ahead

Although Women are increasingly making their mark in the usually male dominated workplace but they comprise a very short portion of the entrepreneurs in India. The woman in India still needs to be daring, risk taking, challenge seeking and above all they are required to be independent. They need to break themselves free from the confines of the four wall of home, which is customarily recognized role of women in our country, and to make them empowered in every field.

This requires a change in our culture and mindset of the society to recognize women as equals and not inferior to male. The need of the hour is to provide an opportunity and they will deliver the results.

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Prof. Anupam Semwal speaks about ERP-Enterprise Resource Planning as career

Basically ERP stands for enterprises resource planning,  it integrate all the functional areas  of any organization like finance, sales, manufacturing, Human Resource, production, development, purchasing, supply chain management, warehouse management  and marketing etc.

Implementation of ERP in any organization is very important as it is useful for improving  efficiency, utilization of resource, reduction of cost, coordination within the departments, centralized server, security of database and time  saving.

It is also helpful in sales forecasting, order tracking, revenue tracking, matching of purchased  order, to understand flow of information, better output in customer services, flexibility and development of new scheme for the organization .

But it also have some disadvantage like customization, extensive training cost, complication in real time environment and large data base.   

  ERPModule–  There are different ERP module  present in the market depend on the need of the organization , it includes:

  Large  ERP Vendors –  SAP, Oracle, Microsoft

 Mid Market ERP Vendors  – Infor, QAD, Lawson, Epicor, Sage and IFS,

  Small ERP Vendors – Exact Globe, Syspro,  NetSuite,  Visibility, Consona, CDC Software and Activant Solutions

 Career – To make career in this field, it required functional knowledge of  business related to that field in which you are interested and  good  knowledge of  ERP software with  application  software like MS Excel  etc.

Educational Qualification– Companies  preferred experienced person for functional areas, but fresher with  educational degrees like B.B.A(H), M.Com, M.B.A(Finance, HR, Marketing, Operation etc ) with first class can also be taken into consideration.

 For technical field M.C.A, M.Sc(C.S), B.Tech(any Branch)  with first class is required.

Compensation-Salary for fresher in between 2.00 to 3.oo lakh per annum but after three to four years  experience it can be in between 4.00 to 5.00 lakhs per annum.

Conclusion– There is no recession in this field  and  demand for ERP professional is growing as the time passes, not in India but in other countries  also as many new  companies and educational institution are opting ERP.

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Prof. Dharamsaktu speaks about avenues after 10+2

A large segment of students are unclear or confused about their career goals. Of course, vigilant presents do analyze the potential and interest of their ward based on the performance at 10 and 10+2 level. Infect a student starts giving indications of his or her power of concentration and interest towards studies quite before 10th level. Accordingly, parents start guiding their wards for the stream that he / she should pursue. I think this the best way if one timely analyzes the skills and power of his/her son/daughter in advance.

The interest of a student can vary from innovation to crafts, from managing things to organizing the articles, from creative arts to stage performances, from painting to creative writing, from singing to portraying and so on and so forth. The crux is, will he or she excel in his/her trade that he/she is going to choose. These are the basic ingredients that help each and every parent in preparing/shaping the career of his/her son/daughter.

After 8rth standard itself, student chooses/guided for science or arts stream. Some parents decide at 10th standard based on the performance in the final examinations. There are plenty of examples where an ordinary student at 10 levels excels in 10+2 level. The purpose is to reflect that at some point of time the chemistry in brain changes as the result one does a wonder. Something takes place enigmatically.  But the popular saying suggests that “Where there is a will, there is a way”. Appear more emphatic.

In quest of finding a space on the surface of moon or some other planets, similar or better to existing earth, R & D activities are vigorously being pursued globally. The brilliant ideas of human being to perform close to the speed of light, attend all the activities at the same time and also keep records of everything with freedom of rejecting/accepting at his/her will is revolutionizing the technologies. Command and Control, is the essence of investigations. Technologies are being translating in to products as the result growth in industrialization has been witnessed over the decades. Research on earth, ocean and air/space has made easy access to them for the humans. Whether it is entertainment, sports, modeling, singing, writing, engineering, design, crafts, painting, management, teaching technology has great role to play. This all attracts development of proper human resource.

Therefore, it is apparent for all parents/students to acquire abreast knowledge and information of human resource demands. Barring most special class of students, one can choose and shape his/her son/daughter for career courses. Of course, a blind decision is not recommended.

There are N nos of courses after 10+2 level. Primarily, they are engineering, medical, humanities and commerce. However, there are N nos of interdisciplinary choice of courses also. All the courses, irrespective of its core nature, are open to be basic eligibility for engineering, science, civil services, law and management career. Engineering & technologies and marking & accounts capture larger space of the total Human resource requirement. There is no need to be scared of economic slowdown in the west. The need of the hour is to develop useful human resource.

The above is all OK! Where is the appropriate college? For excellent academic environment, college needs to be placed in peaceful city, climatically, geographically distinct, caring people around, connectivity by road and air. College is supposed to have a heterogeneous collection of intelligent and brilliant students and faculty from all the walks of life. A college, that fulfills all the academic infrastructures of man and materials, state-of-the-art workshops/labs, library, computer departments, excellent hostel, neat & clean mess and cafeteria, sports grounds, theaters etc. But does the colleges, whether, public or private, meets the academic standards? Is there mechanism that ensures and ascertain the basics needs of academics. Are there activities that help in overall development of the students? Where the student will go after completing the course? These all question trigger every student and his/her parents. Is there a strong placement department that takes care of the career of the students? These questions come from inside. Engineering or commerce, mechanical or civil or computer science or electronics, What after 10+2.

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Prof. Saifullah Zaphar talks about Importance of Humidity control in Cold stores for food preservation

Cold chain technology is now considered as very essential sector in India. India as the second largest producer of fresh fruits and vegetables is now accelerating its pace in the horticulture economy. The cold chain plan will ensure distribution of fresh horticulture produce nationally and internationally in a state of fresh quality and reduce a vast wastage in terms of overall economy growth.

While designing cold stores ,typical challenge faced are how to avoid frosting on evaporators, ice formation on conveyer belts, cold stores and floors due to ingress of moisture in air entering through opening of doors etc. Water vapor within the air is drawn up to the evaporators and forms ice on the coils. Over and over time this reduces the plant efficiency. One way to partially overcome some of these difficulties using the defrosting cycle.

The most practical solution to tackle challenges while maintaining efficiency of freezing equipment is to incorporate passive and active stores. Passive stores are built for storage of perishable goods for medium to long term period and are typically used for storage of fresh fruits and vegetables. Active cold stores are refrigerated warehouses required for dynamic storage applications .Also different temperature zones are created within the same warehouse for storing of different products requiring different temperatures. Removing moisture from warm fresh air also useful to eliminate the frost formation on evaporators. Warm fresh air that enters the cold stores come into contact with walls , floors, ceilings and other surfaces, it forms slippery floors which may be not comfortable for operators. It can also cause fog or wet floors within the loading dock.

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